History - Verbum caro factum est

Aug 24, 2022 (Jacques Perriere)

fa-ctum, San-cto, removing unnecessary accents, AllelĂș{ia}, adding a star, adding notes and a comment on the last 'et', raising one episema, Version Solesmes 1957

"(c4) VEr(fg)bum(f) c\u00e1a(f_e)ro(dc) f\u00e1ca(f)ctum(fgd) est,(ixf!gw!hih.) *(;) \r\n* Al(ixi)le(ivHG)l\u00fa(gh){ia},(f.) (,) al(dc~)le(ixf.g!hwiHG'F)l\u00fa(ghf~){ia}.(f.) (::) \r\nV\u00e9r(fg)bum.(f) (::) \r\n<sp>V/</sp>. {E}t(f) ha(f)bi(f')t\u00e1(g)vit(f_e) in(dc) n\u00f3o(fgd)bis.(ixf!gw!hih.) (::)\r\n * Al(ixi)le(ivHG)l\u00fa(gh)i{ia}. <i>etc.</i>(f.) (::)\r\n<sp>V/</sp>. Gl{\u00f3}(f)ri(f)a(f) P\u00e1(gh)tri,(f'_) (,)\r\net(g) F\u00ed(f_e)li(dc)o,(c.) (;)\r\net(f) Spi(f)r\u00ed(ixg!hwi)tu(ih)i(gh) S\u00e1nc(g_f~)to.(f.) <i>etc.</i>() (::) \r\n<sp>V/</sp>. Gl\u00f3(f)ri(f)a(f) Pa(gh)tri,(f'_) (,) et(g) F\u00e9d(f_e)li(dc)o,(c.) (;) et(dc~) Spi(f)r\u00ed(ixg!hwi)tu(ih)i(gh) San(g_[oh:h]f~)cto.(f.) (::) Ver(fg)bum.(f) (::)"

Per Cantus selecti. AM 1934 differences: augmented punctum at start of double Alleluia; cephalicus re-do at 'et (Spiritui Sancto)'. It is probable that Cantus Selecti missed the printing of a neume on the last 'et', it should be (dc~) like AM prints it.

Solesmes 1957